  • Old Mill Center for Children Families
  • Old Mill Center for Children Families
    is located at 1650 SW 45th Place Corvallis, OR. 97333 and can be contacted by calling 541-757-8068 x116. Old Mill Center for Children Families offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Spanish Speaking
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • "I just drink socially." REALITY: Drinking with other people doesn't make you a social drinker. Social drinkers might drink regularly but they don't get drunk. Nor does a social drinker exhibit any of the clinical signs of addiction to alcohol like out-of-control behavior while under the influence, inability to control alcohol cravings, and severe memory loss, like blackouts.
  • Research has shown that the emotional stress of parental alcohol consumption on children decreases when parents stop drinking.
  • Contrary to what you've probably heard about college, you don't have to get liquored up every night in order to have a memorable experience. In fact, one in five college students doesn't drink at all. Besides, you'll have many more memories of your years of higher education if drinking isn't a central part of it. So don't let college folklore influence you to be under the influence.
  • Young adults who frequently abuse alcohol can develop unemployment problems, are at a high risk for drug use, and violent behavior.

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